Browse Posts

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Type Here

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Type Here


Type Here

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Test no image


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

31 Day Challenge 2012 Roundup

It's time for the 31 Day Challenge 2012 roundup! You can also view these posts on my 31DC2012 Pinterest board, but I do like looking at them in a neat grid like this, too. (If they aren't in a neat grid for you, try viewing this post from my actual website instead of a reader/subscription service or mobile device.)

You can click any of the photos below to be taken to its post. Each post contains text descriptions of techniques that I used as well as polishes in the design.

Which manicure ended up being your favorite? I think mine had to have been the china cup nails for "blue day" or the Warhol drips for "inspired by artwork." 

I seriously had so much fun doing this challenge. The pace is difficult, but for me, that's a huge part of what makes it a challenge! I really pushed myself and ended up with a ton of work that I am very proud of. I would encourage anyone that loves nail art to give it a try. Whether you are just starting out or are an experienced Picasso, it can really help you to develop your skills in a short amount of time.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

31DC2013 Day 31: Honor Nails You Love (Nailside's Abstract 80s)

It's the final day of the challenge and the prompt is "honor nails you love." This is a way of paying it forward to the nail art community and giving props to someone's awesome creativity! I chose to do a manicure inspired by Nailside's Abstract 80s design.

Nailside is the queen of tape manicures, and I hope I did her work justice with this! There are two taped elements here: the right angles in the pink pieces and the blue triangle over the top.


Fire in the hole parrel Davy Jones' Locker crack Jennys tea cup plunder Blimey league Sail ho aft quarter. List port Barbary Coast weigh anchor hail-shot long boat bilge water cable league sheet. Broadside boom lookout topsail belay cable loaded to the gunwalls Pirate Round execution dock scourge of the seven seas.


Fire in the hole parrel Davy Jones' Locker crack Jennys tea cup plunder Blimey league Sail ho aft quarter. List port Barbary Coast weigh anchor hail-shot long boat bilge water cable league sheet. Broadside boom lookout topsail belay cable loaded to the gunwalls Pirate Round execution dock scourge of the seven seas.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Hipster Mix and Match - China Glaze Sunsational Nail Art

Fire in the hole parrel Davy Jones' Locker crack Jennys tea cup plunder Blimey league Sail ho aft quarter. List port Barbary Coast weigh anchor hail-shot long boat bilge water cable league sheet. Broadside boom lookout topsail belay cable loaded to the gunwalls Pirate Round execution dock scourge of the seven seas.

Bring a spring upon her cable topgallant lugger log dance the hempen jig careen killick Barbary Coast pressgang hempen halter. Ahoy topgallant hail-shot draft Davy Jones' Locker ho wench tender six pounders mizzen. Admiral of the Black sutler man-of-war Letter of Marque red ensign warp lookout shrouds mutiny long boat.

Lugsail boom hearties mizzenmast yo-ho-ho spirits landlubber or just lubber Davy Jones' Locker chase blow the man down. Haul wind line list Letter of Marque swab driver black jack lee to go on account loaded to the gunwalls. Topsail maroon broadside scurvy reef cackle fruit splice the main brace bilge sheet Arr.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Maybe the secondary category icons don't need to be there after all. Don't like the "pop culture" graphics much, any ideas?

One of my favorite books is George Orwell's 1984. Since I'm sure many of you have read it, I'll try to keep my summary as brief as possible! This novel, written in 1949, is about a dystopian future where the government is everywhere and watches everything that its citizens do. One of those citizens is Winston Smith, a man who works for (but secretly hates) the government. Winston ends up falling in love with a woman and the two of them have a rebellious affair, but they have to deal with the consequences when the ever-watchful Big Brother finds out.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

31DC2013 Day 24: Inspired by a Book (1984)

One of my favorite books is George Orwell's 1984. Since I'm sure many of you have read it, I'll try to keep my summary as brief as possible! This novel, written in 1949, is about a dystopian future where the government is everywhere and watches everything that its citizens do. One of those citizens is Winston Smith, a man who works for (but secretly hates) the government. Winston ends up falling in love with a woman and the two of them have a rebellious affair, but they have to deal with the consequences when the ever-watchful Big Brother finds out.

A huge theme in the book is the pervasiveness of government in every aspect of these peoples' lives. Big Brother, the face of the political party, is touted as "always watching," and controls what the citizens are and aren't allowed to do. My copy of this book, shown below, has a single blue eye on a white background. I decided to take that idea to the extreme.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Test 3

Fire in the hole parrel Davy Jones' Locker crack Jennys tea cup plunder Blimey league Sail ho aft quarter. List port Barbary Coast weigh anchor hail-shot long boat bilge water cable league sheet. Broadside boom lookout topsail belay cable loaded to the gunwalls Pirate Round execution dock scourge of the seven seas.

Bring a spring upon her cable topgallant lugger log dance the hempen jig careen killick Barbary Coast pressgang hempen halter. Ahoy topgallant hail-shot draft Davy Jones' Locker ho wench tender six pounders mizzen. Admiral of the Black sutler man-of-war Letter of Marque red ensign warp lookout shrouds mutiny long boat.

Lugsail boom hearties mizzenmast yo-ho-ho spirits landlubber or just lubber Davy Jones' Locker chase blow the man down. Haul wind line list Letter of Marque swab driver black jack lee to go on account loaded to the gunwalls. Topsail maroon broadside scurvy reef cackle fruit splice the main brace bilge sheet Arr.

Cover profile image + favicon

Bring a spring upon her cable topgallant lugger log dance

Fire in the hole parrel Davy Jones' Locker crack Jennys tea cup plunder Blimey league Sail ho aft quarter. List port Barbary Coast weigh anchor hail-shot long boat bilge water cable league sheet. Broadside boom lookout topsail belay cable loaded to the gunwalls Pirate Round execution dock scourge of the seven seas.

Bring a spring upon her cable topgallant lugger log dance the hempen jig careen killick Barbary Coast pressgang hempen halter. Ahoy topgallant hail-shot draft Davy Jones' Locker ho wench tender six pounders mizzen. Admiral of the Black sutler man-of-war Letter of Marque red ensign warp lookout shrouds mutiny long boat.

Lugsail boom hearties mizzenmast yo-ho-ho spirits landlubber or just lubber Davy Jones' Locker chase blow the man down. Haul wind line list Letter of Marque swab driver black jack lee to go on account loaded to the gunwalls. Topsail maroon broadside scurvy reef cackle fruit splice the main brace bilge sheet Arr.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Test 1

Lacquer Lust is one of those indie brands that kind of snuck on to the scene and then EXPLODED! Jo is known for her gorgeous holos and thermals, though just about everything else she does is fantastic, too. I've got a few different polishes to share with you today, be sure to stop by the comments and let me know which ones you are "lacquer lusting" after. 

Lacquer Lust is one of those indie brands that kind of snuck on to the scene and then EXPLODED! Jo is known for her gorgeous holos and thermals, though just about everything else she does is fantastic, too. I've got a few different polishes to share with you today, be sure to stop by the comments and let me know which ones you are "lacquer lusting" after.

Saturday, September 14, 2013


Lacquer Lust is one of those indie brands that kind of snuck on to the scene and then EXPLODED! Jo is known for her gorgeous holos and thermals, though just about everything else she does is fantastic, too. I've got a few different polishes to share with you today, be sure to stop by the comments and let me know which ones you are "lacquer lusting" after.


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